9:30 Sunday School

10:40 Sunday Worship

To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ,

witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps

“to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Trenton MO First Christian Church

October 5th at 12:30pm

Trenton Christian School

Register Preschool OR 2nd through 8th grades.

2nd - 8th graders are given a pre-test to determine curriculum start point.

Curriculum is from Accelerated Christian Education

Tuition is $152.50 per week for each student for 32 weeks totaling $4880

plus Curriculum Expense is $360 per student.

Complete application online or in the office. Mail $100 deposit to

Trenton First Christian Church School, PO Box 418, Trenton, MO 64683

Food and Transportation are not provided.

School location at Trenton First Christian Church, 1700 Princeton Rd, Trenton, MO

School background. Back to school.

School History

Trenton Christian School is a private, not-for-profit school established in August, 2024. Trenton Christian School is passionately committed to providing the best ​Christian education for their students in preschool and grades two through eight through an individualized mastery-based program. The instructional curriculum ​and school activities provided through Trenton Christian School are designed to exceed academic requirements that are required by the State of Missouri and ​strengthen the child’s character and increase their understanding of a divine Creator.

Following the death of Graham McVay, a loved employee of Trenton R-IX school district for 35 years and member of the Trenton First Christian Church, the Trenton ​First Christian church will honor his memory by using his memorial gift as a catalyst for establishing a Trenton Christian School. His memorial gift will be used for ​the insurance, utilities, janitorial and van expense during the first year of operation.

The Trenton First Christian Church has a strong commitment to provide a Christian educational choice in the local community where students are taught to honor ​and glorify Jesus Christ and that salvation is by faith in Christ alone. The school would teach a “biblical worldview” that absolute moral truth exists, and God is the ​creator of the world.

Our guiding vision is to raise up a generation “whose God is the Lord” by instilling in the hearts and minds of our students a passion for the Lord. This being the case, ​we aim to provide thorough biblical instruction that relates to the whole of life in a learning environment that it is safe, secure, and conditioned by His word.

Trenton Christian School was established to give students a place to receive an education in a Christ-centered environment. We give the honor and glory to God for ​His intervention to fulfill the purpose for which the school was established and continue that purpose today.

Trenton Christian School recognizes that the Lord’s command to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is not limited to religious instruction. In ​fulfilling Christ’s command, we teach children to think biblically when studying math, science, English, art, music, history, or when exercising their bodies.

Clear, consistent enforcement of school policies, parental involvement, and clean, modern facilities contribute to making the school a place where students feel ​loved and accepted and which gives glory to God. While they are here, it is our privilege and honor to prepare them to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Trenton Christian School helps students mature into the unique adults God created them to be. We offer opportunities in academics, fine arts, and sports to assist ​each student in determining their God-given strengths and interests while learning skills to impact the world around them for Christ. Trenton Christian School ​provides a safe, wholesome environment.

Attendance at this school is a privilege and not a right. The goal of Trenton Christian School is to train Christian youth in the highest principles of Christian ​leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship. This school stands without apology for the full Gospel and the highest ​standards of morality and Christian behavior. Trenton Christian School expects every student to strive for academic excellence.

What We Believe

These are the tenets of faith that we adhere to. This list is derived from the official Principles Of Identity of the Disciples of Christ church. ​We are a conservative Disciples of Christ Church, we have students who attend other churches. We are respectful of other denominations.  

1. We confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world, requiring nothing more – ​and nothing less – as a basis of our life together.

2. We hold the centrality of scripture, recognizing that each person has the freedom – and the responsibility – to study God’s Word within ​the community of the church.

3. We practice the baptism of believers, which emphasizes that God’s grace demands a response of faith and discipleship, while also ​recognizing the baptism performed in other churches.

4. We gather for the Lord’s Supper, as often as possible, experiencing at this table the gracious, forgiving presence of Jesus Christ.

5. We structure our community around the biblical idea of covenant, emphasizing not obedience to human authority but accountability to ​one another because of our shared obedience to Christ.

6. We participate in God’s mission for the world, working with partners to heal the brokenness of creation and bring justice and peace to the ​whole human family.

7. We hear a special calling to make visible the unity of all Christians, proclaiming that in our diversity we belong to one another because we ​commonly belong to Christ.

8. We witness to the Gospel of God’s saving love for the world in Jesus Christ, while continuing to struggle with how God’s love may be ​known to others in different ways.

9. We affirm the priesthood of all believers, rejoicing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit – which include the gift of leadership – that God has given ​for the common good.

10. We celebrate the diversity of our common life, affirming our different histories, styles of worship, and forms of service.

11. We give thanks that each congregation, where Christ is present through faith, is truly the church, affirming as well that God’s church and ​God’s mission stretch from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.

12. We anticipate God’s coming reign, seeking to serve the God – Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer – whose loving dominion has no end.

Preschool Teaching/Learning Philosophy and Curriculum

Our curriculum is Christian based. There will be biblical references and stories throughout the year. Students learn to have ​confidence, independence, high self-esteem and develop a joy of learning. We will use Bob Jones Christian Curriculum for Pre-​school, with a Montessori approach to learning in play centers.

Preschool Lunch and snack

Parents will need to send lunch with their child everyday. Lunches will be kept in the kitchen and refrigerated if necessary. ​Morning snacks will be prepared by the church volunteers, and the afternoon snack could be something simple like a cheese stick, ​teddy grahams or pretzels.

Preschool Sanitized Toys and Classroom

Tables, chairs and surfaces will be sanitized daily. Toys, and supplies will be sanitized weekly and between times if necessary, say a ​child is sick during the day.

Preschool Tuition

Tuition will be $150 per week per child. There is no additional expense per week for the student to attend the after school ​program from 2:30-5:30pm.

Preschool Supplies

Nap time mat. Mats will be sent home periodically to be washed.

Preschool Parties

There could be holiday parties and birthday celebrations if parents want to provide the snacks. Dress up days could be ​incorporated throughout the year.

2nd to 8th Grade

In Bible, Reading, English, Math, History, Science, Foreign Language, and Spelling, children are challenged academically while ​being discipled in their relationship with Jesus Christ. They are taught academics while learning biblical truths every day. ​Computer, Social Studies, Word Building, Creative Writing and Literature are also offered. Each academic discipline focuses on ​the sixty individual character traits of Jesus Christ and is designed to include deductive reasoning, independent thinking, and ​logic. These character traits are the core of the curriculum, which sets our school apart from many other private schools. In ​addition to the required core curriculum students participate in enrichment classes of Music, art appreciation and application.

Activities like annual field trips, as well as honor roll trips, and personal ministries to local communities are also part of our ​curriculum. These outside trips help students assimilate and practice the character traits of Jesus Christ toward others.

School Calendar matches the Trenton Public School

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur 8:00 AM 2:30 PM

Friday 8:00 AM 12:30 PM

After School Care is available Monday through Thursday 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm and ​12:30-5:30 on Friday

at no additional expense for students of the preschool or 2nd-eighth grade school.